Each week, we will highlight one member of our CMF team. We would like to provide you with ‘behind the scenes’ news on our operations, and can get to know a little bit more about the people working for the Canadian Minifootball Federation (CMF)! We have asked each of our team members the same eight questions, to provide a broad perspective on what they bring to the CMF team.

In today’s post, we meet one of the Digital Markers of the Canadian Minifootball Federation (CMF) – Flavio Colasanti. He will reveal to us her responsibilities and the role that he plays in this ambitious project.

Flavio Colasanti

Digital Marketer

CMF: Explain in detail what projects you are working on at CMF?
I am taking care of the CMF social accounts and providing sources for improving our shares and followers through new content, posts, stories, and so on.
CMF: What initially drew into wanting to join the CMF?
Since I was a young teenager, I have been playing soccer and I still do. Soccer allowed me to travel the world and gave me the opportunity to study in two different American colleges, which allowed me to take Public Relations and Communication & Social Media classes. Therefore, when I saw this job offer, I thought it could have been a perfect mix between my identity, which is very devoted to soccer, and what I studied too.
CMF: How has your experience been so far?

So far my experience has been great, discovering more and more how my new CMF teammates work. Mostly with Jan and the other ones who are responsible for the digital market field we have been planning goals we want to reach and we scheduled how and how much we want to post for engaging as many followers as possible.

CMF: Describe a typical day for you working on CMF projects.

My typical day in CMF is based on creating 7vs7 soccer tactics that can be posted on our Instagram “Tuesday Tactic” and analyzed the outcomes of our network campaigns in order to see how many interactions we had and where we can improve.

CMF: How has the pandemic affected your work? How have you adjusted to it?
The pandemic has changed a lot my life and my job consequently. I used to go to work at my legal office but since last May I was imposed to smart working, even though I have to admit I really like it because it allows me to be more focused and to do not lose time by going back and for to the legal office every day, avoiding all the traffic a city as Roma has to offer.
CMF: What do you like to do in your spare time?
During my spare time, I still play soccer in a semi-professional team in Rome and during the weekends I love going to my parent’s countryside house and take care of the animals on the farm.
CMF: What other work do you do outside of the CMF?

I am a Lawyer who mostly is invested in Civil Law.

CMF: What do you hope to accomplish while with the CMF?
I would like to help minifootball to become a Canadian cultural identity and use all the values that soccer carries to allow the Canadian communities to join this amazing sport all together by organizing tournaments for all the different categories.
Flavio’s LinkedIn


Michael Mazzel

CMF Sports Journalist

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