Each week, we will highlight one member of our CMF team. We would like to provide you with ‘behind the scenes’ news on our operations, and can get to know a little bit more about the people working for the Canadian Minifootball Federation (CMF)! We have asked each of our team members the same eight questions, to provide a broad perspective on what they bring to the CMF team.

In today’s post, we meet our Search Engine Optimization Analyst of the Canadian Minifootball Federation (CMF) – Urvashi Malhan. She will reveal to us her responsibilities and the role that she plays in this ambitious project.

Urvashi Malhan

Urvashi Malhan – CMF Search Engine Optimization Analyst

CMF: Explain in detail what projects you are working on at CMF?

I am working on a number of projects at CMF. As an SEO Analyst, I am handling the SEO for the website and social media accounts including the keyword strategies. I am also managing CMF’s Google Analytics Account and tracking the metrics.

CMF: What initially drew into wanting to join the CMF?

During COVID-19, the best thing that has happened to me is CMF. I came across this amazing opportunity and it instantly hit me that I have to be a part of this. I have learned a lot about the sport after joining CMF and I feel glad that I am contributing my skills and expertise towards something great and fun.

CMF: How has your experience been so far?

My experience with CMF has been amazing so far. The founders are very polite and hard-working. They are very understanding and helpful. The team is fun, all the colleagues are co-operative and helpful. All in all, I am loving this! We as a team have a work-play balance!

CMF: Describe a typical day for you working on CMF projects.

A typical day would involve me researching for the content, curating the posts, scanning the analytics account, working on SEO and getting feedback from the team regarding my work.

CMF: How has the pandemic affected your work? How have you adjusted to it?

The pandemic has affected my work in a way that I now am working remotely. All the companies have shifted to remote work for some time. With time, I have managed to live with this kind of routine. Setting up small office space and working normally from 10-5 has been really helpful. I have developed a work-life balance even while working remotely.

CMF: What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time, I like to travel and cook. I have developed a habit of baking recently so that means more cakes in the house and eventually in my stomach!

CMF: What other work do you do outside of the CMF?

I am a digital marketer and keep working on short term freelance projects.

CMF: What do you hope to accomplish while with the CMF?

While with the CMF I see myself growing professionally because of our team with diverse skill sets I learn something new from each one of them. As I keep growing with my skill sets I have high aspirations for CMF-To take this organization to new heights and grow with it.

Next week, we will introduce you to Michael Mazzel, the journalist of the Canadian Minifootball Federation (CMF)!


Michael Mazzel

CMF Sports Journalist

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